""Ahava promises “Beauty Secrets from the Dead Sea.” But the real secrets it keeps are an ugly truth—its products actually come from stolen Palestinian natural resources in the Occupied Territory of the Palestinian West Bank, and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem.
Because Ahava is hiding the ugly truth—its products actually come from stolen Palestinian natural resources in the Occupied Territory of the Palestinian West Bank, and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem. Don’t let the “Made in Israel” sticker fool you—when you buy Ahava products you help finance the destruction of hope for a peaceful and just future for both Israelis and Palestinians.
Ahava puts a pretty face on its crimes, even paying Oxfam Ambassador and “Sex in the City” star Kristen Davis to be its spokeswoman. But here’s what Oxfam itself has to say about Ahava’s deceptive packaging:
• "The settlements on the West Bank are illegal under international humanitarian law and that creates a lot of problems for the Palestinians that live there.”
• "Consumers that are buying produce that are grown in illegal settlements need to have that information so that they can make an informed choice."
Stolen Beauty FAQs
What is the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement?
In July 2005 a broad range of Palestinian Civil Society organizations issued a call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel as part of a non-violent campaign to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. Individual consumers can show their opposition to Israel's occupation by participating in a boycott of Israeli goods and services. (You can read the call here) see more about the Israeli civil society campaign in support of BDS, called the Boycott from Within, here, and read CODEPINK's Statement on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement.
What is the Stolen Beauty Campaign?
Stolen Beauty is a boycott campaign against Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories (see below). It is CODEPINK’s contribution to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)
Movement against institutions and corporations that give tacit or material support to the Israeli government’s continued violations of international human rights law. CODEPINK launched Stolen Beauty in the summer of 2009 after leading four delegations to Gaza, Israel, and the Occupied Territories, bearing witness to the devastating impact of occupation.
What is AHAVA and why are we calling for a boycott?
Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories (www.ahava.co.il) is a privately held Israeli cosmetics company that manufactures products using minerals and mud from the Dead Sea. Ahava’s products—such as Grape & Avocado Body Wash, Dead Sea Mineral Mud, and Mineral Foot Cream—are widely available in high-end department stores and pharmacies throughout the United States and in Europe. The Hebrew word “Ahava” means love, but there is nothing loving about what the company is doing in the Occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank. The company’s practices are against international law
What international laws does AHAVA violate?
The company’s main factory and its visitors’ center are located in the Israeli settlement of Mitzpe Shalem in the Occupied West Bank. Ahava products are labeled as of 'Israeli origin,’ but according to international public law, the West Bank cannot be considered to be part of the State of Israel.
Ahava uses in its products mud from the Dead Sea, excavated in an occupied area, and thus it exploits occupied natural resources for profit, which is a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention."""
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