Along my experience as a photographer on different studios and all my projects such a “ Innersound” which I based my proposal, the prestigious “Thay Natura” catalogue which I could get involved myself onto industrial picture field when I was working in Pasqual Cabrera’s studio which give to me the chance to put all the skills I got previously into practice and even more such a productive photographic project organization with an optim result expected with a personalised finished.
Innersound is a charity dedicated to helping people regain their health and happiness through Qi Energy. Qi Treatments and Qi classes enable people to receive energy to regain health and peace, and cultivate a beautiful heart which is loving and giving.
For over two years, the Innersound has provided a monthly service to homeless men and women who use the Passage Day Centre. All the charity work of Innersound is possible because of the generous donationts. Love, care and warmth are the most basic human ingredient
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and gain new skills feeling gratifying meanwhile being working with such a nice people who always back up in other person’s needs.
Innersound project is one of the most recently projects I have done in London.
With regards to the team job were good from start to finish. No profit in main collaborations of Angela Caselles Spanish with a back grown as a model in France , Master ho among others volunteers involved on Qi classes
And of course the proffecional assistance of Innersound staff Marco Mureno; graduated on marketing with an insurance clerk experience who change his mind in 2008, flew to Korea and signed up for healding classes based on 1,000 –years-methods used by korean to became Qi Master.
The purpose of all the different photographic sessions in innersound has been made it to increase in not long time an innovative website and create a complete photographic file for further need.
I have developed a complete photo shot of all the process which is innersound involved onto Qi Energy, Qi Treatments and Qi classes to fulfil a proper article of what Qi treatments means and how grateful is for many people overcome healthy problems day by day.
The second part of my proposal is a recently studio shot on University of the Arts London Central Sant Martins – Soho which I made a Portrait photography Short coure by Peter Cartell.
This course has offered to me all what I was expecting with a successful results and I’ve got more confident to carry on next year in a postgraduate as a could by myself the professional environment onto university.
To fulfil my ambitions of my further studies such lighting technician, work onto studio, follow in the most important photographer’s steps to mange a coherent photograph project and a supportive environment the prestigious University of the Arts London offer is the most important of my intention.